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Psychologist Session

Ken-Lyn’s National Family Counseling and Consultant Firm


Where are you located?

  • San Antonio, TX, Northeast part of town

  • 3918 Naco-Perrin Blvd, Suites 118 and 133, San Antonio, TX  78217

  • We also see clients in the Medial Center – to be announced in 2022

How many sessions do I need to be helped?

There are no guarantees, however, in basic sessions where there is no trauma, mental disorder, depression, anxiety, etc. a 10-15 sessions can get “basic” counseling problems started.

Can my relationship be saved using your services?

Of course, there are no guarantees, but most professional counselors can assist if and when the client is sincere, open and willing to do the hard work outside of the session.

Does Dr. Kenneth and Dr. Lynda counsel together?

Yes.  It is referred to as “con-joint” counseling and it is usually conducted on the weekends, during private workshops online or in person – locally and abroad

Are we accepting new clients?

Yes. What makes our services additionally unique is that we see clients seven days per week, weekends and evenings.The only catch is, we only see five clients per day.With such flexibility, we usually do not have a long waiting list.

Do you see clients via Tele-Health and which tool do you use?

Absolutely, 80% of our clientele is via Tele-Health via mostly or Duo or Whatsapp aps.

Can I be seen individually and with my spouse/significant other in separate sessions?

Yes, we do! Our ambition is to provide the most effective and “cohesive” service possible.

Do you work with youth?

Yes, via mentoring programs, with families and individually.Approximately 20% of our national clientele are minors.

Are you apart of any Employee Assistant Program (EAP) for sessions and if so, how many sessions?

Unfortunately, we are not, however, we work with every client.Just ask.

Do you take insurance?

Not right now. Yet, we work with every client. Inquire during the time of your initial consultation.

What are your fees?

  • Fees are according to income, type of sessions requesting and one’s mental health status. Special discounts are available when allowing our interns to observe a session or more.  

  • Also, if the client is requesting Life Coaching or Counseling.  We do have flat rates of:  $50-$75 registration fee; individual session: $75-$250; couples:  $100-$350; Entire family group sessions, private workshops, private house calls (local and abroad), corporate, educational and faith-based conference presentations, etc. are also options. 

When will the next time you will be visiting my city or region?

Drs. Kenneth and Lynda travel quarterly to one or more major cities in the USA – pending the condition of the current pandemic.Generally, they will travel when 12 or more families express an interest.

  • Washington, DC/Maryland/Baltimore:  Mid-Spring 2022

  • Baton Rouge/New Orleans:  June 2022

How do I make an appointment?

You can book directly on the website

What is First Fratt Youth Mentoring Program?

First Fratt Incorporates interns with psychology and teaching backgrounds to facilitate after school sessions with kids of all ages. First Fratt includes tutoring, counseling, Field trips, college visits, and other fun activities!

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