BUSINESS OFFICE: 210-761-4345
What is First Fratt?
First Fratt Youth Mentoring Program is a local and online counseling and tutoring program designed to serve at risk youth. Under the supervision of Drs. Kenneth and Lynda Brown, Lead Consultants for Ken-Lyn Consultants and Associates, First Fratt incorporates interns with psychology and education backgrounds to facilitate after school sessions and weekend services with kids of all ages. First Fratt includes tutoring, counseling, field trips, college visits, and other fun activities!

Ken-Lyn has served counseling clients in every state and ten countries. Ken-Lyn has placed over 100+ students into four-year universities, while accumulating more than $5 million in scholarships. As Educational Advocates they have accompanied, advised and represented families at critical parent-teacher conferences, ARD meetings and advocated for at the district and various key levels to ensure that their children receive services that they have been entitled to. They have earned a reputation as mediators with several attorneys and school districts in Bexar County.
First Fratt - Is the manifestation of Dr. Kenneth Brown’s, PhD vision to serve and inspire young minority men. It stems from Dr. Brown’s teacher and counsel over the past three decades of serving men his entire career. First Fratt’s philosophy asks participants to embrace the geographic, archeology, the historic and scientific fact that the first man, the first human was found in Africa. Therefore, our young men are asked to embrace their original call to be responsible citizens, leaders of their community, men who knew the value of family and the support thereof. This sense of responsibility extends and permeates all individuals who take pride in the educational awareness and the vast contributions of the people from within their heritage.